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"Best SmS of 1947 . . . Was there any mobile at that time? Please Use your brain atleast once in your life time! By - WWW.BDWAPT.TK"
"Sometimes my mind asks Why I miss U? Why I care 4 U? Why I remember U? Then my heart answered its simply bcoz mental patients need more care.hav nice day By - WWW.BDWAPT.TK"
"Love + Ship = Titanic. Dinosaur + Forest = Jurassic Park Arnold+ Gun = Terminator You + Your Smile = The mummy Returns... By - WWW.BDWAPT.TK"
"Whenever I feel that I Miss U, I close my eyes.. Thn i feel u that u sit beside me. I wont open my eyes.. Bcz of the fear that u may come out thru my tears. By - WWW.BDWAPT.TK"
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