80s toys - Atari. I still have
"A day may start or end without a message from me, but believe me it won't start or end without me thinking of u..See! I just did. Take care. By - WWW.BDWAPT.TK"
"Someone misses you so much, its not your family not your relatives. Its not even your bestfriend nor your closests pal. Its just the simple ordinary me, who misses the extraordinary. By - WWW.BDWAPT.TK"
"Our friendship means a lot to me, that if we were the last people on a sinking ship and there's only one life vest, I'll..uhm.. ah.. eh..I'm gonna miss you for sure! By - WWW.BDWAPT.TK"
"Press down if you miss me. Really? How sweet of you. You really miss me huh? Still pressing down? I am Impressed. You must have missed me so much. Well, I miss you too. By - WWW.BDWAPT.TK"
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