Old school Swatch Watches
"Laughing isn't something you do for fun.. It is sometimes a relief when you badly misses someone, or an instant escape when you're hurting too much. By - WWW.BDWAPT.TK"
"I think dat one of d best fiLings in lyf is discovering dat u stiL dserve 2 be apreciated by sum1... regardles on how sumbody eLse have made u fiL unworth For d longest tym. By - WWW.BDWAPT.TK"
":If the sun shines in our soul, does it matter if it rains outside? Happiness in the LORD always overshadows the sadness that some events bring. By - WWW.BDWAPT.TK"
"Treat everyone with kindness, even those who are rude to u, not because they are not nice but because.. YOU are nice. By - WWW.BDWAPT.TK"
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